First, open the completed form in Essential Forms. Click File > Save as PDF and select the location to save the PDF, in the Save As PDF window. The File Name will already be have form number and name. Click Save.
An alternative method to save a form as PDF is to open the completed form in Essential Forms and click File>Print Form. In the Print dialogue window, under Printer Name, select Adobe PDF, Microsoft Print to PDF, or Microsoft XPS Document Writer then click OK. You will then be prompted to name the PDF file and choose a location to save it. Click Save and your form will be saved as a PDF file.
Note: To save all the pages of a form as a single PDF file, in Essential Forms go to Configure > Preferences > Print Options and make sure the Pause between pages box is unchecked.
Once forms are saved as PDF they are not editable outside the Essential Forms program. The saved form would need to be reopened within the Essential Forms program, changes made, and then the File>Save as PDF procedure repeated.