Message: You are attempting to launch essential forms with an out of date updater component (EFDownloader.exe version <4 dot number>).
User cannot launch program with this error. When one of the other workstations (re)launches Essential Forms, it performs its check for software updates. There is nothing to do because the new Updater has actually already been installed in the shared location; no version mismatch exists. Having passed that startup check, Essential Forms then notes that the already-running version of the Updater is too old and displays the warning message.
Right-click and close the Essential Forms Updater in the system tray and reboot the station. Then, try and relaunch Essential Forms. If you still get the updater component error then run the latest JC Update on the station with everyone else closed out of Essential Forms.
Another option: Manually copy the Updater (which is the Efdownloader.exe file) from the SoftwareModules folder in the shared Essential Forms Data folder. Paste the efdownloader.exe in the Essential Forms Program folder (most likely, C:/Program Files(x86)/CEB/Essential Forms) and replace the existing version of efdownloader.exe. That should allow the program to open without the updater component message.