Note: If you have created any new client/matters already on this new computer you may want to first export out the client/matters before migrating the Database. Exporting/Importing Client Matters and Forms can be found step-by-step in the Essential Forms program by clicking “Help” (on the menu bar), then “Essential Forms User’s Manual” on pages 24-25.
Option #1:
The easiest way to bring over the Essential Forms Database if you can still open the Essential Forms on the original computer is click File>Backup Data from the menu bar. Follow the prompts to save a backup file (Efbackup.efx) to a USB stick or network location. Then, take that USB stick to the new machine, insert and open Essential Forms. Click File>Restore Data From Backup and point at the USB stick (it will find the efbackup.efx file) or the network folder. You will get a prompt that a backup was located on <Date><Time> do you want to restore the backup. Followed by another message about overwritting any saved data on your current data folder. Say "yes" if you haven't created any new client/matters on this new station.
Granted you would have to make sure you installed all your local county cd's as well with this method, since the "Forms" directory does not come over with the efbackup.efx restore.
Option #2:
The other option is to open Essential Forms on the old machine click Configure>Data Directory and make a note of the Data path. Then, close the program and go under Start>Computer and browse to that location you just found. Right-click and copy the entire "Data" or “Essential Forms Data” folder to a USB device or network drive. Take that USB stick to your new computer or open the network folder with the Data folder copy by going under "Start>Computer" and then right-click and “paste” that copy of the “Data” or “Essential Forms Data” folder where you want it.
Then, launch Essential Forms click Configure>Data Directory and "Browse" to that location. Click "Ok" and "Use This Directory" and it should prompt you to restart the program. When it reopens you should be seeing all your client/matters/forms from the original computer. This method does bring over the Forms directory, so you do not need to reinstall the local county forms.