Most likely, a number of fields in your forms populate from the client/matter data entry screens (General, Collections, Family, Party, Guardian, Probate, Transitional, TRO, UD, I&E, Notes, WC). After you make the change in the client/matter data field(s) that applies, double-click the saved form(s) to open. On the Opened Forms tab, place your cursor in the field on the form you wish to change and click Edit. You can use any of the choices "Refresh this form with current client/matter info", "Refresh this field with current client/matter info", or "Refresh all open forms with current client/matter info". Be aware that any data in fields linked to the client/matter database will get overwritten with the current client/matter info as determined by which refresh choice is made. Unless the most targeted item is chosen ("Refresh this field…") it's wise to double-check your forms to make sure no other data was changed without your being aware of it.

Written by Geoff Moore
Updated over 4 years ago