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Judicial Council Update Procedure
Miles Bohas avatar
Written by Miles Bohas
Updated over 12 months ago

July/January Judicial Council Update Procedure:

1. Close all Essential Forms programs and all Updaters (in the system tray down by the clock,  right-click "Exit" and "Yes")  on all stations on the entire network.

2. Install the Judicial Council Update from the server (or where you usually run the Essential Forms Update), by clicking on the file "Efinstaller.exe":

**Note: Before running the Update, if you're not sure where the Essential Forms program is installed you can confirm that location by launching the program on the server and clicking in Essential Forms, View>System Information, under "Directories", make a note of the "Program" and "Data" folders. The "Program" folder is the location you want to point the Installer to in the second window when it asks, "Choose a folder where you want to install the Essential Forms program to.

3. Install Shield Wizard launches, with a window Essential Forms Setup:
a. Essential Forms Setup: "Update/Refresh All Program Components" should already be selected in the first window, click "Next".
b. "Choose Destination Location":  Setup Will Install Essential Forms in the following folder, Destination Folder: <Your shortcut path>
If it is not correct by default you can "browse" in that window to the location found above in #2.  Then, click "Next".
c. "Select Program Folder": Setup will add an icon to the  Program Folder listed below. Program Folder: CEB Essential Forms or Essential Forms Premium. Existing Folders:  CEB Essential Forms or Essential Forms Premium.  I don't usually change this folder location, just click "Next".
d. Should Setup add an Essential Forms shortcut to your Windows Desktop, "Yes" or "No". If you already have one you can click "No". If it's a new install then I would click "Yes".
When the update is done it will give you "Finish". Click "Finish".

*Suggestion: It may be better to perform this Update after hours when others are not working in the Essential Forms program and the Updater can be closed on the entire network.

4. For any other workstations that share this data directory but have a separate local program folder, you should be able to update the local program folders by simply launching the program after having applied the update to the data directory. On launch, a message will display "Essential Forms software update files are ready to install. Press OK to continue." Click OK. The program should open with the latest version.

*Note: You may need to log-in as admin and launch the program in that mode once to install the software update.

5. Once the JC Update is finished go ahead and launch the Essential Forms program. Confirm the version and the expiration date on the splash screen. You can also get this information by going into Help>About on the Essential Forms menu bar. Click the teal window to close it. Then, open the "Forms Library" tab, click on "Form Lists" (first folder right-below "Standard") check the dates on the right-side for "Judicial Council(Current Date) Changes". Those two key pieces of information confirm the Update was successful.

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