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"Forms Out Of Date" Notice After Running Latest JC Update
"Forms Out Of Date" Notice After Running Latest JC Update
Miles Bohas avatar
Written by Miles Bohas
Updated over 2 weeks ago

If you run through the latest Judicial Council Update and you get the “forms out of date” notice, try the following suggestion in order:

1.) Before running the JC Update "efinstaller.exe" make sure everyone is closed out of EF. Then, try to run the efinstaller.exe again.

2.) Maybe the server is not looking at the same data folder as the workstations. Go under View>System Information in the Essential Forms program. Under Directories>Program and Data compare the paths on the workstations and the server. If they are not the same make that change. Then, try to run the efinstaller.exe again.

3.) If you're running from a station and it still will not update, try another station or install on the server directly.

4.) You might try and delete the installshield key on the station

Use File Explorer (Start > Computer) and root-down to the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield Installation Information\

*InstallShield Installation Information is a hidden key so you may have to click View then check the box "Hidden items". You will see the grayed out InstallShield Installation folder, see below:

Open the InstallShield Installation folder. Right-click and delete the folder {1406D422-1625-4A0F-8667-8C5410922614}.

More Technical (Network Administrators)

5.) Updating NAS Device or Server that won’t update

Here are the steps involved in getting an Essential Forms update installed to a NAS drive or a server that won’t update:

a. Have all users exit the program.

b. Copy and paste the Essential Forms data directory from the NAS drive (or server) to the local workstation where you're running the install. The best location is C:/Users/Public/Public Documents/CEB/Essential Forms Data. You may need to rename the data folder that is already there. It should match our default data folder name "Essential Forms Data". Make sure you paste it into a folder the user account you're installing has permission to read/write/change.

c. Temporarily Configure Essential Forms to use the local data directory. Launch Essential Forms, click "Configure>Data directory", click "Use Default Windows Directory". Or, click the "Browse" button, and navigate to the data directory on the local workstation. Select it, click "OK", then "Use this directory", then "OK" to close the program.

d. Run the efinstaller.exe file from the download link. Proceed through the install wizard as prompted.

e. When the installation is finished, launch the program to verify successful installation (splash screen should give an expiration date in the future, all clients should be listed in the Client Information tab.) Assuming a successful installation, close the program.

f. Copy and paste the data folder from the local workstation back to its original location on the NAS drive (or server), overwriting the prior files and folders.

g. Configure Essential Forms to use the data directory on the NAS drive (or original server) again: launch Essential Forms, click "Configure>Data directory", click the "Browse" button, and browse back to the data directory on the NAS drive (or server). Select it, click "OK", then "Use this directory", then "OK" to close the program. When you reopen Essential Forms, it should open the data directory on the NAS drive (or server) and be updated.

h. For any other workstations that share this data directory but have a separate local program folder, you should be able to update the local program folders by simply launching the program after having applied the update. On launch, a message "Essential Forms software update files are ready to install. Press OK to continue." If for some reason the program is unable to install these files, you might need to run the Essential Forms once as an administrator.

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