After downloading the efinstaller.exe link from the email you click on the efinstaller.exe file and get "Error Extracting Support Files, Access is Denied" here's what to do:
Click Ok in the "Error Extracting Support Files, Access is Denied" window. It's possible the InstallShield Wizard (sail icon) is already running in the task bar:
If it is in open, try clicking on the InstallShield Wizard (sail icon) in the task bar. That should bring the Essential Forms Setup window on screen:
Follow the prompts to install clicking "Next", "Next", "Next" and "No" to the shortcut (if you already have one). Then click "Finish" when the install process is complete. Open the program and verify the update was complete by clicking Help>About and checking the Effective/Expires dates.
Other suggestions:
It could be permissions related and you need to log-in as Admin (maybe need your IT person) to install the JC Update. Or, try and install from a station with higher permissions.
If that does not work, it could be an installed anti-virus program. reach out to technical support via email (below).
Email us at:
Please include a CEB customer number or account name and the error message text.
Technical Support will send back a link to the zip version of the JC Update an an alternative install option.