Unfortunately, 60-90 seconds is normal with our legacy program across the network. If it's running across a VPN or wireless connection it will be really slow (like 3-5 minutes or more). An (RDP) remote desktop connection might be a better option or a remote program like Splashstop or GOTOMYPC might work better working remotely.
There really isn't anything to change in our Essential Forms>Preferences to change unresponsiveness or slowness. It's usually an outside factor. You might check these suggestions.
What to check:
-Server hardware doesn't have the capacity to handle the Essential Forms data folder size.
-Actual network hardware such as switches, cables or router cannot handle the load of a large data set being accessed by multiple users
-Installed anti-virus sometimes will monitor program activity. We don't usually have issues with Sophos or AVAST!, but with Norton, AVG, Webroot, McAfee and Trend we do.
-Size of the client database will slow-down the program from opening in a rapid fashion.
-Reboot the server.
-Is the network/internet connection fast? Is it hard-wired or wireless? Our program works a lot better on a hardwired connection.
-Does it make a difference if all the other users are out of Essential Forms and you launch the program as far as load-up time?
-Are other programs running across the network?
Other Considerations: